During the upcoming weeks and months, Bal Vihar (Cultural Centre) a division of Bharat Mata Mandir, a non-profit agency, will be providing various cultural programs and education based on exposure to different cultures to a larger group of community members regardless of their religion and nationality, in the region of Scarborough for the benefit of their community.
With the assistance of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Bharat Mata Mandir has established the necessary infrastructure that will facilitate the establishment of an institution that will foster the culture and arts amongst migrants of the Indian, South Asian, African Indian, South Caribbean communities in the region (Brampton, Mississauga, Markham, Stouffville, Scarborough, Unionville, South East Richmond Hill and Pickering).
One of the key objectives of this organization is to provide community-based learning opportunities and create conditions for achievement for people of all ages and abilities and helping prepare children and youth for success through sports, recreation and providing opportunities for children and youth to experience positive personal growth; and improving adult literacy through resources and activities. The main function of education is the development of an all round and well-balanced personality.
Bharat Mata Mandir desires to provide essential services to the community to address its social, economical, academic, health, wellness and cultural needs with major emphasis in involving the new generation of migrant Canadians.
There are no barriers to programs and activities here at the Bal Vihar Cultural Centre. The facilities may be accessed by all and is barrier free accessible. Bharat Mata Mandir through its division of Bal Vihar will provide here at this center the community with a comfortable, friendly and secure environment that will appeal to people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, looking for creative self-expression, exercise and/or social opportunities- cultural values.
- These programs provide sharing and caring:
Community-based educational and cultural opportunities for members of community, such as enhanced conflict resolution and problem solving skills, as alternatives to involvement in unhealthy activities; - Positive alternatives to youth gang involvement through paid, part-time work opportunities and vocational training;
- Opportunities to socialize and participate in recreational activities; and
- Intensive and individualized mentorship to help youth, adults and seniors to make positive lifestyle choices, and to care for children with serious emotional, behavioural, and mental health needs and their families