
Promote East Indian music & culture, provide education based on exposure to different cultures in the areas of leadership, development skills, music arts, healthy living and theatrical arts, provide support and activities for community seniors and to provide an atmosphere, guidance and facility to experience spiritual, intellectual stimulation; and assist newcomers to integrate within Canadian life. Establishing necessary infrastructure and relevant programs that will facilitate the establishment of institutions that will foster the culture and arts amongst migrants of the Indian, South Asian, African Indian, South Caribbean community in the region.

BHARAT MATA MANDIR main objective is to provide a new modern and clean place with facilities to seniors,adults, youth, and persons with disabilities and create a family friendly space that provides care and fitness programs, and harmonious philosophy within the community members and educate young boys and girls about the way of life, promote harmony/ respect for all cultures within Canadian society.

Encourage seniors to contribute their skills, experience and wisdom in support of social well being in the community and get them engaged with other arts, culture and heritage organizations, artists and community groups, including diverse communities, there by promote the ongoing involvement of seniors to reduce the risk of social isolation.

Provide essential services to the community to address its Spiritual, social, and Cultural needs.

To partner with existing government services and other community institutions to address the general needs of the community.